All pieces recorded at my own FreePlay Studios {audio}Amber|Amber bass demo.mp3;Monsoon|Monsoon bass.mp3;Solkattu Funk|Solkattu Funk.mp3{/audio} 1. Six-string, solo with voice: “Amber” (D. Bell)2. Fretless: “Monsoon” (S.…
Listen: Piano/Keyboards
Unless noted, all recordings made at my own FreePlay Studios. {audio}Soundcheck Bounce|Soundcheck Bounce.mp3;Other Side|Other Side key demo.mp3;Ambition|Ambition.mp3;Overature|Overature Edit2.mp3{/audio} 1. Bebop Piano: “Soundcheck Bounce” (with Richie…
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Listen: Voice
Check out these examples, listed by style. All parts sung by Dylan, recorded at FreePlay Studios. {audio}Bebop Jazz – Skating (V Guaraldi)|Skating.mp3;R+B/Funk – I Wish…
I got my first tape recorder at age five, and at sixteen I sold my cello to buy a four-track multitrack machine.I guess I was…